Good Neighbors Cambodia – Sre Char Water Station Inauguration Ceremony

Good Neighbors Cambodia (GNC) completed establishing another clean water sources community in Saart village, Sre Char Commune, Snuol District, Kratie Province,and officially handed over a new water station to residents with pleasure. On 7th February 2024, GNC collaborated with the local governors and partners to organize an inauguration ceremony for Sre Char Water Station with 163 residents presided over by H.E. Sous Sery Sousdey, the provincial governor of Kratie province, Mr. Lim Cheav Hav as Provincial Department of Rural Development, Mr. Sam Nal as District Governor, Mr.Thou You Ly, the Commune Council, Mr. Jang Dongwon Country Director of Good Neighbors Cambodia and Chairman of Council of Korean Development NGOs in Cambodia, local authorities and water station committee.

As a representative of Sre Char Commune, Mr. Thou You Ly welcomes all participants with the commune development report, particularly mentioning the achievements supported by Good Neighbors Cambodia and appreciating the Good Water Station of GNC in Saart village that it gives community people good water to drink and live easier”. 

 Mr. Jang Dongwon, the Country Director of Good Neighbors Cambodia, continued the stage with his warmth welcoming, expressing gratitude to partners for their support, sharing about the mission of GNC and willingness to continue supporting SN CDP, and congratulating all community people with the new water station which means new hope and new health.  

 H.E. Sous Sery Sousdey shared his consideration about the importance of clean water, requested community people to stop water pollution, and expressed his appreciation to GNC staff for their hard work in the community.”  

 GNC has been working to improve water quality for residents, especially in rural and remote areas where people lack awareness about drinking water because we are aware that water is the most immediate vital necessity for life and that safe drinking water is essential for proper hydration, cognitive function, and overall health. 

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