A Case Study of RC at EP CDP

Sreypin KARN was selected RC in 2017 and She was living with her family and 3 siblings and one boy at Sanda village in a floating area and it has only one way of boat transportation from home to school in Prey Chas Commune, Ek Phnom district, Battambang province. She is a third child in the family she was very happy and interested that she was selected in this project after she was in this project, she always has participated in all activities such as ACL awareness and APR events, now she is a team leader of the youth group in Sandan village. On Saturday and Sunday every weekend, she always spent her time to educate and be aware to other children in her community about hygiene and child projection in her community. Now she is a 16-year-old girl whose is studying in grade 9th in the morning and afternoon at Prey Chas Secondary School. She very interested in her school because this school has a place for sleeping one more thing, very year she got the material for studying and hygiene material. In Generally, this girl is a clever student and come to school regulary friendly. In the free time during she is at school, she alway do something in her school such clean the school, take water in toilet Etc. Said by Chork Sokun, School principal of Prey has Secondary School.

In the future, she wants to become a good teacher because she wants to help her family and especially all children in her community have ability to read and write Khmer literacy and to chievement my dream I have plan to approach my studying when I complete at the secondary school, I will continuue to study at hight school more because I really intersted and I want to reach my goal.

“I am so pleased and grateful for sponsor’s support through Good Neighbors Cambodia. I have nothing to give you in return of your kindness toward me and my family besides wishing you a healthy life and doing my best to share my knowledge with everyone in the community, especially the kids. I Always thankfully for helping to me and my family.”, said Sreypin KARN.

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