Good Neighbors Cambodia and GIZ installed clean water facilities at school and distribute hygiene materials to children in six CDPs.

On behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Good Neighbors Cambodia (GNC) has participated actively in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Cambodia in the first quarter of 2023. With an understanding of what is actually happening and the situation in each community development programs (CDPs), GNC and GIZ cooperatively work for a good change for people’s well-being and health. We hope to succeed in the future in achieving all the WASH that we desire. 

 In late March and the beginning of April 2023, Good Neighbors Cambodia began to contribute supplies and awareness improvement programs about WASH to schools purposely to students who live on their own while they are attending school. With the support of kinds from GIZ, GNC delivered 110 sets of handwashing facilities and 6,500 soaps to children from 62 kindergartens in 6 districts including Ou Chrov in Banteay Meanchey province, Thmar Koul, and Ek Phnom in Battambang province, Snuol in Kratie province, Koah Nheaek in Mondulkiri province and Dangkor in Phnom Penh city.  

 In addition to our support in kind, we strengthen the benefit of cleanliness and the healthiest lives with educating programs about the consciousness of clean water, and hygiene facilities usage in an excellent way to ensure hygiene practices and to recognize the harmful situation in daily life. We also ensure that all community members understand the importance of hygiene habits in their lives so that the community can continue to lead the changes that promote good health. 

  Our act of assistance benefits 2,252 students (1,173 females). Now targeted children have hygiene tool kits to practice good habits and to protect themselves from health issues. Furthermore, they did share what they have got with families and friends, therefore, community members are familiar with safe water consumption, proper hygiene practice, and a healthy environment. After all, they are living happily with good education and development.  

  We support the National Action Plan (NAP) on School Health 2021-2030 of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), Global Development Approach (GDA) of Good Neighbors and Minimum Requirements on Water, Hygiene, and Sanitation in Schools (Wins) from Ministry of Education.

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