Improvement of Household Sanitation Through Toilet Construction

Snoul CDP is one of GN Cambodia’s programs where has been operating in Kratie province since 2016. Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) is one out of the sectors that is mainly focused on safe and clean drinking water, and sanitation and hygiene promotion for community people. In 2019, the CDP collaborated with local government to promote the Open Defecation Free (ODF) village and selected one village (Pravanh village) as a pilot project. Moreover, GN Cambodia contributed to construct 41 household toilets for the poor that benefited 244 people of whom 122 were female (107 children) in three villages in 2019 to 2020.

Mrs. Khem Em, 67, lives in Pravanh village, Pirthnu commune, Snoul district, Kratie province. Her family members lived in a poor situation and she has two children. Her household incomes depend on selling the labors that approximately earn 250 USD per month. However, the wage is not stable for whole year. Even if, her family is disadvantaged, but her heart was not, she always attended activities that project staff conducted in the village. In March 2019, the project staff conducted awareness on the WASH to community people and motivated the community to construct the toilet. She was a participant who joined in the training as well. She gained the knowledge and interested to construct the toilet at home. “I am very difficult to defecate in the forest because it is so far from my home”, Mrs. Khem Em. She added, “she often pooped behind home and it smelled bad especially in rainy season”.

In July 2019, she started saving money to build a toilet. As a result, she could only build toilet foundation at 100 USD, and the project contributed another 120 USD to complete the latrine where is covered by zinc roof. Nowadays, three households with 10 persons jointly use the toilet. She said “presently, I am very happy and do not worry about the defecation matter anymore, even at day and night time”. She expressed delightedly, I clean my toilet and the environment around my house every day. “I also want to renovate the concrete toilet when I have enough money from my saving.” She added.

Finally, I would like to say thank you to Good Neighbors Cambodia which helped support her family and community.

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